Dutch best kept secret sent us a studio report. Check it out:
In the beginning of 2006 Circle of Silence released their first demo-cd, ‘The Love of My life’. This demo gave us a nice start, but it also required a decent follow-up record. And thus began the recording process of ‘I’m out of my mind: OUT OF MY MIND!!!’ To make sure this record would get a great sound we decided to choose Tommie Bonajo as our partner in crime. He’s not only one of the axe-men from Blindsight, but he recorded some killer albums! (Blindsight, 37 Stabwoundz, Verona Beach and then some ;) )
Our first steps on the road to completion were the pre-recordings. This may sound fancy but it means nothing more than the band playing and two microphones recording it. With these rough-sounding tracks we could start fine-tuning our songs and make the selection of which tracks to choose on the album.
![]() The next step were the so called guide tracks, made to guide our drummer Harry through the recording-process (what’s in a name…) With these on his headphones he laid done some sweet drum tracks in only a couple of hours!
The recording of both the guitars ánd the bassguitar took more time. First of all, the ideal guitar-sound had to be found. No only just a distortion, but a nice lead sound en clean as well. After five exhausting days all the guitar and bass lines were caught on tape! Not only Brian, Sascha or Ralph were pushed to their limits, the furniture had a hard time dealing with the recordings as well. We feel sorry for the relatives and friends of the three chairs that died during the recording of this album… Not only had the chairs fallen victim to loss of bodyparts, also Brian suffered severely. Due to a lack of vitamins (it’s hard to maintain a decent amount of vitamine-intake during recordings) brian got a bad case of scurvy, causing his teeth to fall out.
Last but not least: the vocals. With the intention to only use some clean vocals here and there, we can only say we didn’t expect this to happen. After three days of singing, screaming (less piggy!!) and the continuous eating of throat-saving-tablets, Wilbert’s vocals were caught on tape. But that wasn’t all! One song just needed another type of vocals, and since Wilbert was quite attached to his genitalia, we asked Ruth Maassen to fill in this spot. She did an awesome job, providing ‘No Turning Back’ with some amazing vocals!
All in all we have been busy for almost a year to record our CD. Looking back at all the time spend in the studio, I can only conclude that we had a great time, and have recorded – In our humble opinion – a kick-ass album!
Check out: www.circleofsilence.nl |