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Name: Dennis van den Berg,  City: nowhere
URL: http://none
Posted: 10/23/04 2:57:15 PM

Message: Hadden jullie die recensie van Unearth niet door een geïnteresseerd persoon kunnen laten schrijven? Die recensie is zo ongeïnteresseerd als wat en getuigd niet echt van kennis inzake de band en hun muziek. Beetje jammer.

Name: Silvia Brunetta,  City: New York
Posted: 10/22/04 4:55:29 PM

Message: Just checking in, great site here keep up the good work, class act..

Name: mag,  City: nowhere
Posted: 10/15/04 6:14:50 PM

Message: Good site, please see my one

Name: Mihai,  City: Romania
Posted: 10/15/04 2:45:38 PM

Message: Hi! We are Dirty Shirt, an industrial band from Romania. We just recorded a new demo called "Different". You can download some songs on our site or at Enjoy:)

Name: Almost faded,  City: lees dat maar op onze site
Posted: 10/15/04 1:42:02 PM

Message: gezocht optredens door heel het land stijl pop Rock -hard rock.

Name: The Grand Trick,  City: Linkoping, Sweden
Posted: 10/14/04 8:20:32 PM

Message: 70's heavy rock from Sweden! Watch out for their full-lenght "The decadent session" Coming soon! You can order The Grand Trick's debut-single "The first trick" through Record Heaven Cheers! The Grand Trick

Name: Olaf,  City: Warsaw
Posted: 10/14/04 7:20:14 PM

Message: Hail Metal! You are pretty welcome to and download yourself some Free&Legal Polish Black, Death etc. Metal Mp3! STAY BLACK \,,/666\,,/ Olaf

Name: Winston,  City: Nijmegen
E-mail: -
URL: http://-
Posted: 10/8/04 10:25:43 PM

Message: In antwoord op Johan's berichtje; tja wat er allemaal gebeurd is in die 10 jaar, het had anders gekund en gemoeten vind ik. Kansen zijn gemist, beloftes te vaak niet nagekomen en veel tijd verspild aan plannen maken ipv. het uitvoeren ervan. Mijn beste herinneringen aan REZ zijn de paar Dynamo verslagen die we deden. Een gretig team dat brutaal en eigenwijs zijn gang ging. Zó had het moeten blijven. Ik begrijp dat er in 2005 weer een Dynamo in Eindhoven zal komen, misschien tijd voor een reunie, for old times sake?

Name:,  City:
Posted: 10/8/04 3:00:13 PM

Message: very nice page. i like it. twister

Name: NODAL POINT,  City: breda
Posted: 10/4/04 10:19:32 PM

Message: hey y'all, Let's introduce Nodal Point. Straight forward no-nonsense female fronted rockband from Holland. Influences; Ozzy, SkidRow, VanHalen. New album out now ! For more info, Mp3's en playdates Check;

Name: peter,  City: den bosch
URL: http://none
Posted: 10/3/04 11:44:23 PM

Message: Then you should name it reflection and not vision

Name: No Shit Sherlock,  City: None
E-mail: None
URL: http://none
Posted: 10/3/04 8:43:32 PM

Message: Uhm, I don't want to sound rude, but isn't it hard to have a vision on 2004 when the year isn't even done yet? Just a thought.

Name: peter,  City: den bosch
URL: http://none
Posted: 10/3/04 6:25:28 PM

Message: Somebody ought to tell these people that it is nearly 2005!!! crews vision on 2003 is really pathetic!

Name: Genadii,  City: Kyiv
Posted: 10/3/04 10:19:58 AM

Message: Very good site. Thank you for your work.

Name: Reborm,  City: The Hague
Posted: 10/3/04 2:15:51 AM

Message: Nice site! What do you think of ours?

Name: Sam,  City: Rivne
Posted: 10/2/04 12:43:36 PM

Message: Good looking website.

Name: mugu,  City: togo
E-mail: mugu@yahoo.copm
URL: http://popo
Posted: 9/29/04 4:15:46 PM

Message: my guy

Name: sonia,  City: lausanne
URL: http://none
Posted: 9/24/04 4:42:35 PM

Message:  ----- Original Message ----- Subject: Mighty Music new signing: SLUDGE! MIGHTY MUSIC NEW SIGNING: SLUDGE! SLUDGE "Yellow Acid Rain" PMZ 26 EAN: 6660411198167 RELEASE: November 2004 OVERVIEW: After most recently releasing the latests album with Panzerchrist, Nephasth and Anasarca, Mighty Music are now back and proud to announce a new signing in shape of the well acclaimed Swiss extreme metal act SLUDGE!!! SLUDGE is a hard band to catagorize. Not exactly death metal, not hardcore or doom metal. It's somewhere in between. Heavy, groovy and sludgy as fuck! A mix of Entombed, Celtic Frost, Carcass and the early material of country fellows Samael (of which string-man Makro is also a member). "Yellow Acid Rain" was recorded in Switzerland and mixed by Fredrik Nordström at the Fredman Studio. A studio where the band previously have recorded and mixed their material. "Yellow Acid Rain" is all about what a HEAVY and very extreme metal album should sound like. BIOGRAPHY: Influenced by the dark atmosphere and heaviness of bands like Celtic Frost, Samael, Cathedral OR Entombed… SLUDGE recorded their first EP "Sweet Daisy" with Tomas Skogsberg at the Sunlight studios in 1996. With the support of Lee Dorian from Cathedral, this EP was released worldwide through Godhead Records (Acrimony), and started to spread the bands name. After an intense period of work, they went back to the Sunlight Studios in the end of 1997 to record their first and darkest album "The Well". Released through Headstrong Records in 1998, this album received the interest from Xy (Samael) and was followed by gigs accroos europe, featuring some cool supporting acts for bands like : MACHINE HEAD, ENTOMBED, CATHEDRAL, SAMAEL, CROWBAR, TESTAMENT, DIE KRUPPS, ANATHEMA, STUCK MOJO, SPIRITUAL BEGGARS, … As they wanted to reproduce the way they sound "live", they recorded 8 songs by themselves in their rehearsal-room at the end of 1999. The result of this « painful » experience was mixed by Fredrik Nordström in two days at the famous Fredman Studios (Gothenburg) in January 2000. The album : « SCARECROW MESSIAH » received a great response from european-press (Metal Hammer 6/7 - Metal Heart 9/10 - Legacy 13/15) and after the shooting of a video from the song « Scarecrow Messiah», they made about 60 shows in one year including a full and succesfull european tour with CROWBAR in may/june 2001. After this, the band took a small break when guitar player Makro started to play as official member of SAMAEL. Makro back from worldwide tours, SLUDGE started to work again on new ideas. Finally the band went back in a « real » studio in 2004 to record their coldest and most efficient work till today :« yellow Acid Rain ». Recorded in one week in Switzerland and produced by Makro, the mix was once again handled by Fredrik Nordström. The impressive production of this new album reveals the amazing heaviness of the band. Massive drums are involved into death mid-tempo guitar riffing, groovy and sharp, with catchy hymns and a direct feeling. Raw and cold vocals, breathless intensity are giving to this album a unique and dark atmosphere. « Yellow Acid Rain » received the interest of Mighty Music who signed the band for a worldwide deal. BAND MEMBERS: Makro – all guitars/bass Pud – drums Nik - vocals DISCOGRAPHY: - SWEET DAISY » EP Godhead Records 1996 - THE WELL » album Headstrong Records 1998 - SCARECROW MESSIAH » album Headstrong Records 2000 - YELLOW ACID RAIN » album Mighty Music 2004 SALES POINTS: - The heaviest band from Switzerland is back with their new album. - Featuring Makro guitar player from swiss black metal legend : SAMAEL. - Mixed by Fredrik Nordström at Fredman Studios. - In the vein of earlier Samael, Celtic frost, Entombed, Bolt thrower, Carcass. - A TOP Mighty Music priority this Atumn/Winter! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information, please contact: MIGHTY MUSIC Skelmosen 1 2670 Greve

Name: Clyv,  City: Here
Posted: 9/21/04 11:06:16 PM

Message: Great site!

Name: Luniac,  City: Zwolle
Posted: 9/21/04 10:42:00 PM

Message: how ya'll doing? jus wanna to let ya know you should Checkout this band 4 real!!! - AliennatioN -

Name: Johan,  City: Ruurlo
URL: http://none
Posted: 9/21/04 11:02:55 AM

Message: Ik wil even wat kwijt. Misschien is REZ niet meer wat het geweest is, of wat het had kunnen zijn? Dat is als oud-hoofdredacteur niet aan mij om over te oordelen nu. Feit is wel, dat REZ volgend jaar 10 jaar bestaat! Welk ander e-zine heeft dit gepresteerd? Geen een. Velen zijn (net als REZ in 1995) enthousiast begonnen, maar gesneuveld onderweg. REZ niet. Na Winston en ondergetekende nam Marcia het roer over en kan REZ in 2005 het 10-jarig bestaan gaan vieren. Hoe het ook zij en wat er ook gebeurd is in die jaren, dat is gewoon een geweldige prestatie! Johan Godschalk

Name: King Pin,  City: arnheim
Posted: 9/20/04 6:28:05 PM

Message: click and listen!!!

Name: Winston,  City: Nijmegen
E-mail: -
URL: http://-
Posted: 9/18/04 6:36:36 PM

Message: a review reflects the opinion of the reviewer, but I never saw the grade 11 out of 10, the album gets a bad review... Huh??? Wake up!! Maybe it's better to quit this fading shadow of a promising e-zine that it once was...and I'm not saying that because I'm one of the founders. too bad...

Name: mugu,  City: lome
E-mail: mugu
URL: http://419
Posted: 9/17/04 11:35:47 PM

Message: mugu keep off.

Name: Hansi Kürsch,  City: krefeld
Posted: 9/17/04 6:06:28 PM


Name: Hansi Kürsch,  City: krefeld
Posted: 9/17/04 6:06:04 PM

Message: A big FUCK to all who hate AOK.

Name: Hansi Kürsch,  City: krefeld
URL: http://none
Posted: 9/17/04 6:05:05 PM

Message: AOK is the fuckin best band that exists on earth. Your cd-review was absolutely rubbish. YES, there are fans of AOK

Name: MUGU,  City: LOME TOGO
URL: http://WWW/MUGU
Posted: 9/16/04 12:25:11 PM

Message: AKABO BOYS ARE FULL IN LOME TOGO ...............................

Name: Poppen,  City: Beijing
Posted: 9/13/04 9:12:26 AM

Message: Nice Site, I found anotherone with the same name, but I think it has somethin to do with Sexkontakte ;-) Poppen

Name: wrattenzwijn met toeterhoed,  City: wrattenzijncity
E-mail: wrattenzwijn@msn,com
URL: http://none
Posted: 9/12/04 4:12:00 PM

Message: kutzooi,ik dacht dat ik hier kon vinden wat er in de eend te doen was,maar nu moet ik toch weer langs hanneke en marco...

Name: "Metal" Peter ,  City: AALTEN
Posted: 9/11/04 12:14:24 AM

Message: Interesse in airplay van je promo/demo ? Wij presenteren een rock/metal programma op lokale omroep. Het programma heet rock of Ages en we zijn voortdurend bezig om "kleine" bands in the picture te brengen. Tevens organiseren we op zaterdag 19 februari 2005 ons tweede Rock of Ages Festival waarin we enkele plaatselijke/regionale bands de kans geven op een groot podium en grote zaal te kunnen spelen. Deze bands worden aangevuld door enkele "grotere" bands voorzover ons het budget het toelaat. Bezoek eens onze site ! Misschien tot 19 februari 2005 in "DE POL" in Aalten................................ Let there be rock ! Greetz, "Metal" Peter

Name:,  City: Johnson City
Posted: 9/9/04 7:51:31 PM

Message: Great Site.

Name: Ard,  City: Gouda
Posted: 9/8/04 3:19:06 PM

Message: Op zaterdag 23 oktober wordt in So What Gouda voor de 9de keer het Gouds Rock & Metalfestival georganiseerd. Het Gouds Rock & Metalfestival is een van de meest verrassende festivals in Zuid Holland. In de afgelopen jaren hebben er vele bekende en minder bekende bands uit de Haagse/Rotterdamse regio op het podium gestaan. Naast diverse live acts van strakke metal-en rockbands is er een festivalmarkt en een zeer relaxed sfeertje. Gigs van o.a. Formally Known Ass, Black Knight, Present Danger, Aeolus, Influence & Wastelands.

Name: KTVE,  City: nowhere
Posted: 9/7/04 3:25:15 PM

Message: W W W . K T V E . N L

Name: TekNoir,  City: leeuwarden
Posted: 9/6/04 1:12:52 PM

Message: wanneer gaan jullie nu eens beginnen met cd reviews schrijven waaruit blijkt dat je ook snapt waar de muziek over gaat?

Name: kitchen discount,  City: New York
Posted: 9/6/04 8:04:06 AM

Message: Nice site :)

Name: Speedy,  City: Günzburg
URL: http://none
Posted: 9/3/04 11:51:20 AM

Message: Hallo Rockezine-Team! War echt schön euch wieder zu sehen beim SUMMERBREEZE!Ich hoffe,ihr habt euch nicht so an das gute deutsche Bier gewöhnt!Jetzt müsst ihr wieder euer gruseliges Heinecken trinken,ihr Armen ;-) Bis nächstes Jahr,freue mich schon!Punkrock rules! SPEEDY

Name:,  City: Vera Cru
Posted: 8/30/04 8:46:08 PM

Message: Remember the group that sang YMCA? They were awesome. Ron

Name: Jens Häfner,  City: Wiefelstede
Posted: 8/28/04 3:59:12 PM

Message: SOLDIER Murderous night 7" red vinyl 500 copies ltd out SOLDIER New 7” out now!!! KILLER METAL RECORDS KMR-S001 released June 2004 Soldier started in 1979 in the upcoming NEW WAVE OF BRITISH HEAVY METAL. After the contribution “Storm of steel” to the first HEAVY METAL RECORDS sampler the single “Sheralee” followed in 1982 on the same label. In 2003 the band reappeared with the “Infantrycide” CD. This is the second vinyl single of SOLDIER with the titles „Murderous night“ and „I’m taken in“.“, bringing back the original sound of the NWOBHM into the new millenium! Many fans of the genre wait for this effort eagerly! 500 strongly limited copies, handnumbered in red vinyl! Get your copy now! Price: 7 € Plus postage: 1,50 € Porto innerhalb Deutschlands (Versand als Einschreiben + 2,05 €) Europe 4 € / world sea 4 € World air 6 € (Registered plus 2 €) SEND CASH IN REGISTERED LETTER OR MAIL ME (! Payment possible by PAYPAL to SOLDIER’s website:

Name: Peter,  City: Nijmegen
URL: http://none
Posted: 8/26/04 4:23:33 PM

Message: Wordt dit magazine nog wel bijgehouden? Is er al 15 dagen geen nieuws meer in de metalscene? Lijkt me sterk. Ook op mijn vraag wordt niet geantwoord. Deze was: 'Als mijn informatie juist is, bestaat Rockezine in 2005 tien jaar. Komt er nog een feestje?' Reageer eens aub?!

Name: Jeremiah Johnson,  City: McCutchanville
Posted: 8/25/04 5:05:32 PM

Message: Nice Site!

Name: J&S Project,  City: Naples
Posted: 8/24/04 5:06:28 PM

Message: Hi friend, your site is very very good!!! Please listen our new release:

Name: noiZefloor,  City: Dortmund
Posted: 8/24/04 3:43:12 PM

Message: NEBELMOND FESTIVAL NEWS NEBELMOND METAL PARTY, 03 +04.09.2004, B-Halle, Wertherbruch (NRW) !!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!! The booking of tickets may be done up to the 27th of August 2004. The tickes for the only concert of ARCTURUS in Germany are strictly limited and highly requested. So hurry up and make sure to get your tickets in the advance sale on: HEADLINER On Friday we will present with "ARCTURUS" - the absolute legends of Metal united in one band. This year Sverd, Garm (ULVER), Hellhammer (MAYHEM) and Samoth (Emperor) are in Germany for the first time and may only be seen at the Nebelmond Metal Party. Only the stars know if this opportunity will arise again. For Saturday we could get "THE VISION BLEAK" who are regarded by many as THE newcomers of 2004. After performing on the "Wave Gotik Treffen 04" in Leipzig this year, they are now playing on the Nebelmond Metal Party. RUNNIG-ORDER: Friday 03.09.2004 doors 17:00 18:00-18:30 FALL OF SERENITY ( ) 19:00-19:30 GUERRILLA ( ) 20:00-20:45 BURDEN OF GRIEF ( ) 21:15-22:00 DISILLUSION ( ) 22:30-23:15 SECRETS OF THE MOON ( ) 23:45-open end ARCTURUS ( ) Saturday 04.09.2004 doors 9:00 10:00-10:30 PATH OF GOLCONDA ( ) 11:00-11:30 THE SHITHEADZ ( ) 12:00-12:30 DEKADENZ ( ) 13:00-13:30 WARCHILD X ( ) 14:00-14:45 PREJUDICE 15:15-16:00 LAID IN ASHES ( ) 16:30-17:15 SACRASPHEMY ( ) 17:45-18:30 DARK SUNS ( ) 19:00-19:45 GRABNEBELFÜRSTEN ( ) 20:15-21:00 NEBULAR MOON ( ) 21:30-22:15 HELRUNAR ( ) 22:45-23:30 ABADDON ( ) 00:00-open end THE VISION BLEAK ( ) There will also be signing sessions of our main acts. PRICES: Advance sale: Festivalticket 13 EUR incl. 0,55 EUR Porto For Advance sale go to Advance sale ends on 27.08.2004 Admission price: both days 15 EUR Friday 10 EUR Saturday 10 EUR Bier/Coke 0,5L 1 EUR Parking and camping is for FREE. LOCATION: Location plan and information on the public transport can be found under: We arranged a shuttlebus-service, that will pick you up from the station of Haldern and takes you directly to the festivalground. For a timetable and for reserving your seat take a look at our Forum:

Name: Peter,  City: Nijmegen
URL: http://none
Posted: 8/20/04 1:28:39 PM

Message: Als mijn informatie juist is, bestaat Rockezine in 2005 tien jaar. Komt er nog een feestje?

Name: Zverev,  City: Moscow
Posted: 8/20/04 7:41:57 AM

Message: Dear ALL! Hello from Russia! We are very grateful for your visit of our website dedicated to the Val Gaina and KRUIZ BAND. mp3: MOSCOW KRUIZ Fansites:

Name: Mathias Walz,  City: Lueneburg
URL: http://Germany
Posted: 8/19/04 3:16:38 PM

Message: Hey, Metalheadz ! Tomorrow will be the Lionheart release-Party from Saxon in Hamburg. Entry is for free ! City: Hamburg; Place: Markthalle 7.p.m., directly near the Central Station. See you !

Name: Steinar,  City: Oslo
Posted: 8/18/04 6:22:04 PM

Message: Check our website for 2 brand new songs!

Name: Peter,  City: Nijmegen
URL: http://none
Posted: 8/18/04 10:58:35 AM

Message: Als mijn informatie juist is, bestaat Rockezine in 2005 tien jaar. Komt er nog een feestje?

Name: Vincent,  City: Saigon
URL: http://none
Posted: 8/17/04 2:01:01 PM

Message: Hi, Dacht stuur ook eens een berichtje. Lang niet gedaan. Anyweg, groeten uit nat en druk Saigon, ook hier wordt REZ toch af en toe geraadpleegd...

Name: Astrid,  City: Nijmegen
Posted: 8/14/04 1:42:47 PM

Message: Zondag 26 sept. All too Human (USA, Prog Power Metal, met ex-Dream Theater toetsenist Derk Sherinian) en Sanity (NL, Power Metal) ( Aanvang: 18.00 entree € 3,- Rockcafe Backstage, Bloemerstraat 131 Nijmegen