Wolf Age 10 tracks - playing time: 44:00 min.
(none) Rating: 7/10
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Now this is a weird band; in the biography Asmodeus X present themselves as influenced by acts as diverse as Joy Division, Immortal and Laibach. Their music has also been described as industrial, electronic black metal and even neo-classical. Now, I don’t know much about the music-scene in the States, but in Europe we call this E-B-M. Electronic-Body-Music. Aggressive EBM, though. And indeed, after a couple of spins it’s possible to spot leaks of a later Ministry, NIN ("Mandatory Sacrifice") or some Kraftwerk in their songs. Leaves me with the question of where to place Immortal?
This album, "Wolf Age", is the result of a near-death of the band members when travelling home after touring the West Coast. | |
According to their own words, their emotions were distilled in the recording session of "Wolf Age". And these ten songs aren’t bad at all; regarding this is the first album of Asmodeus X. The music, a modern performance of danceable EBM with aggressive vocals and a good attempt to sound desperate and even a bit `evil`, is catchy and offers a bit more than the Covenants of this world.
So, if you’re into Kraftwerk or Joy Division and wonder what American EBM sounds like, Asmodeus X is a good starting point.
(Eelco) |
© Dec 30, 2002, viewed 4294 times since 666